• ©  Claudia Richartz

Die Hundetrainerin - Wenn der Vierbeiner zum Chef wird (2019)

Astrid Lutz, dog trainer from Berlin, knows the benefits of the friendship between humans and dogs, however is also aware of the difficulties they can encounter. Humans become very close to their best friends - with all their ups and downs. "Scenes from a mariage" is the trainer's name for it.

For Astrid Lutz (50) her work is just as much with the dogs as with their owners. While listening to the owners' worries, she is simultaneously analyising the animal's behaviour. Following her studies in animal psychology, she has worked with guard dogs and has had vast experience in difficult dogs, thus finding her own individual style which is cooperation and clear posture towards the dogs.

Lisette needs a character test for her American staffordshire terrier Dougi in order to let him off the leash. Thomas and Jens are annoyed that their terrier dachshund mix Mütze barks at invited friends and jumps up at them. Burghard and Jolanta have already seen the dog trainer several times about their dachshund Ruby who is shy and does not walk well with a leash. Burghard is afraid 

Das Ehepaar Burghard und Jolanta hat die Hundetrainerin schon öfter besucht. Ihr Rauhaardackel Ruby ist ängstlich und läuft sehr schlecht an der Leine. Burghard traut sich außerdem nicht, ihn von der Leine zu lassen, weil er befürchtet, dass Ruby dann wegläuft. Die Reportage beobachtet, wie Astrid Lutz humorvoll und sensibel Mensch und Tier trainiert und dabei hilft, den Alltag ins Lot bringen. Wenn aus Vierbeiner und Herrchen oder Frauchen wieder ein Team wird, ist das für sie die schönste Bestätigung.


Claudia Richarz

Claudia Richarz

Fabian Spuck

Michael Schmidt

Susa Kusche

Kirsten Ellerbrake

Tanja Ziegler

Ute Beutler, RBB



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