The Wedding of My Daughters (2005)

Susanna Simon (“Beautiful Lies”), Tina Ruland (“Seduction over Six Courses”) and Marita Marschall (“Reluctant Father”) delighted audiences in November 2003 when they attracted 5.2 million viewers to “Planned Children and Other Coincidences”, in which they played three very different sisters engaged in an eccentric contest to see who would provide the first grandchild for their mother Ruth Maria Kubitschek (“Dream Hotel”). In the equally fast-moving sequel they are joined by Gesine Cukrowski (“Judith Kemp”), Roman Knizka (“Forget America”), Oliver Bootz (“My Husband and His Mother”), Oliver Clemens (“Suddenly Adult”), Ruth Glöss (“The Chocolate Queen”) and Ernst Stankovski (“In the Cave of the Lioness”).

For Hilde Reimer a dream comes true: her three daughters Susanne, Anja and Regina are moving into her beautiful old country villa with their three babies and their partners Robert, Karin and Frank. If only the three of them were married, then Hilde wouldn't have to worry about her girls being left all on their own one of these days. But once again her entreaties are met with deaf ears. Until one day Uncle Volker returns from Africa, much to everybody's surprise: he had been believed dead. As an extremely conservative character he refuses to accept that the girls are “living in sin”, especially since they are in a property which - and a glance at the land Registry confirms this - is half his. So he gives them an ultimatum and it remains to be seen which of them really will end up standing at the altar and tying the knot.


Ruth Maria Kubitschek, Susanna Simon, Oliver Bootz, Tina Ruland, Gesine Cukrowski, Marita Marschall, Roman Knizka, Oliver Clemen


Thomas Jacob

Ina Siefert & Andy Hoetzel

Thomas Ülenert

Barbara Hiltmann

Andreas Schmid

Nanni Erben

Wolfgang Hantke

Renate Michel, Degeto



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