© Ziegler Film

Company profile

Ziegler Film was founded on 27 April 1973 in Berlin – today it is one of the largest and most successful independent film and TV production companies in Germany. Based in Berlin as well as in Cologne, Munich and Baden-Baden, Tanja Ziegler and Regina Ziegler have produced more than 500 motion picture and television films, documentaries and TV series.

Ever since its creation, their trademark have been extraordinary film productions: KORCZAK, A YEAR OF THE QUIET SUN, KAMIKAZE 1989, FABIAN and the series EROTIC TALES. The very first motion picture film, ICH DACHTE ICH WÄRE TOT, was awarded the Bundesfilmpreis (Federal Film Award) in 1974. Many more awards followed, such as the Rose d’Or of Montreux, the Goldene Schale, several Grimme awards, the International EMMY Award, several German Film Awards or the Bambi. Recent film productions are MEIN BLIND DATE MIT DEM LEBEN (My blind date with life) by Marc Rothemund, and produced by Tanja Ziegler, as well as RETURN TO MONTAUK by Volker Schlöndorff, produced by Regina Ziegler.

With highly acknowledged TV productions such as DER VERLEGER (The publisher), IM SCHATTEN DER MACHT (In the shadow of power), VOM ENDER DER EISZEIT (From the end of the ice age), DIE WÖLFE (The wolves of Berlin), WEISSENSEE, DER MANN MIT DEM FAGOTT (The man with the bassoon), DER SOHN (The son) or GLADBECK (54 hours – the Gladbeck hostage crisis) Ziegler Film has never been afraid of dealing with current political or historical events, while at the same time trusting to their intuition with highly successful productions such as DIE GEIERWALLY, STURMZEIT, MOPPEL-ICH!, LENA LORENZ, MUTTER MUSS WEG (Mother must go), MORDKOMMISSION ISTANBUL (Istanbul Homicide) or WER ZU LIEBEN WAGT (Who dares to love).

The key values for Ziegler Film are artistic demand, interest of specific target audiences as well as accommodating a larger audience. In spite of tight competition and increasing focus on the German and international film and TV markets, the family-run business’ main objectives are to remain independent, to grow and to inspire the audiences with creativity and quality.


In 2011, Tanja and Regina fulfilled a long-hedged dream and bought the traditional cinema theatre filmkunst 66 in Berlin.

© 2025 ZIEGLER FILM GmbH & Co. KG